
Lesson Report Senior-1 January 6th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
Please check what you learned and practiced during the lesson.

Small Talk 
How did you spend the winter holiday?
Ask and answer in two min. each.

Show and Tell  Video Aoi => Yui => Ayana => Kanta => Chihiro => Hajime => Sorai (Jan 10) => Saya => Mao => Takuto  => Mana => Mei  

Bridge Work-3
Chapter 34 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1#1 (Review)
Listen and repeat the example sentences. => Pair repeating in one min. each
Grammar and Communication-1#2
Study the example sentences. => Practice Japanese to English in class
Study the example
#1 Combine the sentences orally in class
#2 Do individually one by one and check the answers.

Bridge Work-3
C34 U2
VIU-1 申込みや参加に関することば
(p. 143) Practice pronunciation. (Tell them to put accent marks)

Writing and speaking test 
Writing New Year’s resolution
1.         Write a review for the Year 2017. (Ideas)
-Things I loved in 2017
- Things I am thankful for in 2017
- My favorite memory in 2017
- The greatest lesson I learned in 2017
- The hardest thing of the last year
- The best thing of the last year

2.         Write the things you are looking forward to in 2018.
-             Things I need to do in 2018
-             Things I need to be better at in 2018
-             Things I want to do in 2018.
*You need to write reasons for the things you write about.
è Write what you told to your partner in Google Document
è Copy this at the end of the lesson in Edmodo. 

While they are writing, teacher picks a student to take a speaking test.

Students are told to describe a scene of the lessons 121-128 in Kiso-eigo December issue.

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